Learn with us! Our courses are designed to propel you to the next level, with guided support built in along the way

I am passionate about all things design. I know first hand how hard it can be to start a business and thrive in business within a creative industry.

Using our unique CREATE formula we will get you from stressed to success!

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After school programmes in various art disciplines

We believe it is important to invest in the next generations futures. That is why our after school programmes Learn Design Make are geared with enterprise in mind. Children get the opportunity to learn design create and make with the opportunity to promote the product they create.

Learn Design Make


We want to keep you in the loop, why not check out Learn Design Create Newsstand with latest tips and tricks, in both the business and the creative world.

Available 01/06/23

Business can seem hard, but it doesn’t have to be. You just need to know the correct tools to put in place to thrive

Check out our free resources
